Amore Sponsorship -$1,000


Amore gala sponsorships are considered tax-deductible gifts (minus the cost of tables/tickets included in the sponsorship.) More information can/will be provided by School of Love. // (School of Love, Inc is a KS non-profit and 501(c)3 organization, and a Public Association of the Christian Faithful under Archbishop Naumann. Tax ID# 45-3461872)

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Amore gala sponsorships are considered tax-deductible gifts (minus the cost of tables/tickets included in the sponsorship.) More information can/will be provided by School of Love. // (School of Love, Inc is a KS non-profit and 501(c)3 organization, and a Public Association of the Christian Faithful under Archbishop Naumann. Tax ID# 45-3461872)

Amore gala sponsorships are considered tax-deductible gifts (minus the cost of tables/tickets included in the sponsorship.) More information can/will be provided by School of Love. // (School of Love, Inc is a KS non-profit and 501(c)3 organization, and a Public Association of the Christian Faithful under Archbishop Naumann. Tax ID# 45-3461872)