Learn & Live Your Call

We propose 12 Tenets of a Catholic Marriage & Family Spirituality
to help you learn and live your call.

All of School of Love’s programs, materials, & content schedule are based on these 12 Tenets.

Our 12 Tenets of a Catholic Marriage & Family Spirituality

  • (Overview): Achieve Fulfillment via UNITY IN LOVE

  • 1. Live Out Your VOCATION

  • 2. Elevate Your SEXUALITY

  • 3. Practice Your PERSONAL PRAYER

  • 4. Receive Your SACRAMENTS

  • 5. Direct Your Children's EDUCATION

  • 6. Foster Your SPOUSAL LOVE

  • 7. LEARN Your Faith (Teachings)

  • 8. Prioritize/Order Your TIME

  • 9. Focus Your PARENTING

  • 10. Refine Your COMMUNICATION

  • 11. Practice Your VIRTUE

  • 12. Practice Your FAMILY PRAYER

Catholic Marriage & Family Spirituality

  • What is a "Spirituality"?

    Within the Church there exists a number of spiritualities, distinct ways of praying and living out the Christian Life. Spiritualities can help provide individuals with a particularly fitting guide in their personal approach to God, in their witness and work in the world, and in their own personal fulfillment. A person’s spirituality can shape and encompass their entire life.

  • Pillars of Catholic Spirituality

    Every distinct spirituality will emphasize the living out of the same general pillars essential to a truly Christian life: A) Belief in the Church’s teachings, B) Reception of the Sacraments, C) Moral action according to the Church teachings, D) A serious life of prayer. While these are the areas that every spirituality will fulfill, it is in the how each spirituality fulfills these, that makes them unique.

  • Catholic Marriage & Family Spirituality

    Catholic spouses are called to live, together and with their children, not just any spirituality, but a spirituality that fits their vocation to marriage and family. A marriage and family spirituality will focus on how these general pillars of Christianity can be appropriately and particularly lived for spouses, parents, and children. For Catholic husbands and wives, sacramental Marriage and the family coming through it become the exact path on which and through which they will approach God, witness and work in the world, and find their personal fulfillment.

  • We’re Here to Help You Go “All In”

    School of Love exists to help other couples and other families prioritize their vocations and go all in with the spirituality that the Church is asking of us all. While couples and families do not have a formal “rule” of life like religious orders, the Church has frequently, clearly, and authoritatively spoken on the subject. Much of the work of School of Love has been to extract these beautiful teachings from Church documents and present them to other couples and their families.

When these tenets are followed, couples and parents can be assured that they are practically answering their vocation to marriage, faithfully living out their vows, and providing a unique and greatly needed witness of unity to the Church and the world.