Small Groups
For you & your spouse to grow in friendship & support with other couples, while growing in depth & conviction in your own vocation.
Couples Small Groups provide a simple, natural, enjoyable format for like-minded couples, in similar locations & states of life, to foster authentic community & receive impactful formation.
General Info & Interest
Couples Small Groups are groups of (approx. 6-8) like-minded married couples from similar locations in similar states of life. Small Groups meet monthly in homes. Meetings are meant to be low-key & easy, requiring little to no cost & little to no preparation. Meetings consist of hang out time, short (video) content, discussion questions, & short group prayer. (Different content is available for groups after year 1.) All materials are provided by School of Love.
Leaders Info & Interest
Each Couples Small Group has a leader (couple) who organizes the group, facilitates each meeting, & acts as a liaison between the group & School of Love. Groups are designed to keep leaders’ work to a minimum. There is no cost, training, teaching, or meeting preparation required to become a leader couple. All meeting materials (videos, questions, etc) are online on a password protected leaders page. All Small Group leaders are approved by School of Love.
Small Group Leaders Page
Current Small Group Leaders, click below to access the Small Group Leaders page with all the current monthly content, updates, resources, & calendar information for your group.
Schedule events for your marriage & your family: