Flipping Out

Friday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Read this Gospel passage aloud to the family

Luke 19:45-48 Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out those who were selling things, saying to them, "It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." And every day he was teaching in the temple area. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people, meanwhile, were seeking to put him to death, but they could find no way to accomplish their purpose because all the people were hanging on his words.

(Parent) Reread this part a few times aloud

“It is written…” 

(Parent) Read this meditation aloud to the family

How often does Jesus begin with, “It is written…”?  When Jesus says this, He is referring to what is written in Scripture.  For Jesus, this was the Scripture of the Jews—our Old Testament.  He speaks of Scripture throughout His ministry.  He knows it by heart and refers to it on countless occasions.  St. Paul says that “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Jesus knows Scripture.  Do we?  Reading the Gospels is an excellent practice.  Let’s each consider a passage that has attracted us in our previous Gospel readings.  Consider this passage in prayer today.  (After prayer, try memorizing a short piece of this passage.)    

As a family, pray a portion of the Rosary together (very short if children are young) reflecting on the Scripture passage above. (Optional: allow a brief time for discussion or questions from children concerning their thoughts and prayer.)       

Lee McMahon

Lee is a Catholic media freelancer based in Kansas City, Kansas. He works with nonprofits and for-profit organizations alike to help achieve their media and design needs with a refreshing, modern aesthetic.


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